
EverGreenStroom Investment Teaser

Investing in a Sustainable Future for Ukraine. Despite the current geopolitical challenges, we stand firmly behind Ukraine and continue to develop sustainable energy projects in the country. In partnership with Adverio UA and UTC, we are actively working on the development and financing of two major green energy projects, with a strong focus on Bio-LNG….

West Virginia

Adverio is excited to announce our partnership with Trilogy and Evergreen Energy Corp. in the development of a “waste to energy conversion facility” right in Logan County, West Virginia, USA. Together, we are developing a waste project aimed at managing over 200,000 tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) annually. WV Waste Project Vision: 🔄 Resource…


Biostrum, Adverio, and UTC ( are excited to announce the commencement of Basic Engineering for our project at Biostrum following the completion of Concept Engineering. Currently, we are in the process of preparing the Investment Memorandum, which will include all necessary contracts for land, feedstock, and offtake. This significant milestone highlights our dedication to sustainable…

Deltatorr & Deltanor

Proud that Adverio could provide 2D and 3D design for Perpetual Next regarding the projects, Deltatorr and Deltanor in Delfzijl. Exciting news: Today the “Notitie Reikwijdte en Detailniveau” for Perpetual Next’ biomethanol developments in Delfzijl, NL is published. This marks the start of the formal environmental impact assessment. After long and hard work together with Witteveen+Bos we are excited to have…

Kozhanka (Update)

Adverio and UTC, partners in green energy innovation since 2012, are thrilled to announce the successful re-commissioning of their latest 1.5 MW anaerobic digestion (AD) installation in Ukraine. This milestone achievement underscores their commitment to sustainable energy production. In September 2021, we celebrated the successful commissioning of this installation, followed by full-power operation in December…

DBG Delfzijl Permit

Our Client, DBG BioEnergy, has received the permit for the processing of papersludge into BioLNG, LCO2 and fertiliser at the Farmsum location. The construction permit for the quay, to handle incoming the ships for delivering of the paper sludge, is also granted. Adverio’s team has been involved from initiation in 2020 as technology and EPCM…

AD installation (Germany)

We completed a concept engineering 3D model and PFD for a client in Germany together with LP-Energy ( and PTN ( The farm-based AD installation can produce 250 Nm3/hr biogas. The primary steel reactor of 22m height with top mixer and secondary reactor of 34m diameter. In the mix pit the cattle manure is…

Biogas Upgrading (Ukraine)

In close cooperation with our partners and clients in Ukraine, Adverio is developing new biogas projects in Ukraine. Whilst in the past, biogas was utilised for electricity production, recently the Ukrainian regulation also covers the conversion of biogas into natural gas. This was the reason that our client has instructed Adverio to look out for…

Eemsgas Delfzijl

Eemsgas Delfzijl (52) – Gasunie, the energy infrastructure company and operator of the Dutch gas pipeline network, and Perpetual Next, a world leader in torrefaction technology and client of Adverio, have signed a 50-50 joint venture agreement to further develop and build the Torrgas Delfzijl project. The joint intention is to build a new plant…

DBG Delfzijl

DBG Bio Energy, client of Adverio, has commenced the construction of the first plant in Groningen Seaports, as the first out of five in the coming five years.  After the ecologist ensured that construction works would not interfere with the breeding season DBG Bio Energy were able to go ahead with the site preparations. As…

Astarta (Ukraine)

Astarta (Ukraine), The bioenergy complex of agro-industrial holding Astarta-Kiev was built and commissioned in 2014 and became the first Ukraine based mutual project of Adverio, Opure and UTC. The project was financed by EBRD. Even though this facility has been in operation over 7 years already, it is still the biggest capacity among the digesters…

Dragomiresti Vale

Dragomiresti Vale (Romania), Adverio Waste Systems, specialized in the management and recovery of organic municipal waste, together with the Valencia Genia Bioenergy and Sustainable Planet Solutions bv, advised, designed and buil built a composting and stabilization plant in Dragomiresti Vale, one of the towns in the area metropolitan Bucharest.   The plant is currently under construction and…

YNS (Ukraine), Update 8

Yuzefo – Mikolayivka bioenergy facility in Vinnitsa Region was designed first for 3,2 MWe production, later extended capacity to 5,2 MWe during second stage construction and reached its capacity in two months time, near 60.000 m3 of biogas per day. At stage three of transformation Adverio and partner UTC have added a large industrial gastight…

Kozhanka (Ukraine)

Adverio is glad to report that the first stage of the Dionis biogas installation construction has been completed. It is the third biogas facility of Adverio in Ukraine built with all-time EPC partner since 2011 – Ukrainian Technological Company ( Local specialists of Adverio are preparing a biological start of the facility, personnel training, and…

EBRD and Astarta (Ukraine)

In February 2021 the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has commissioned Adverio as Technical Advisor (TA) to investigate the feasibility of a new type of feedstock and the modernization of the existing biogas generation facility of Astarta Company in Ukraine. EBRD is investigating the possible financing of the reconstruction of the biogas facility…


Adverio is contracted for the engineering of the facility including buildings and digester in Kozhanka, Ukraine. The digesters are engineered along with our partners at Adverio RNK and UTC. The project is split into 3 building phases of each 1,5 MWe. The first phase will be constructed in 2021 and will make the first 1,5…

Internship Adverio

For the past 5 months I had my internship at Adverio Engineering. With help of colleagues at Adverio, I have improved my skills and competences as engineer. Most of the time I supported the engineering activities for the Trinity Biogas Project, learning many things down the road. I was involved in the basic engineering and…

Primco AD plant Trinity Ltd

Adverio Engineering is contracted by Primco AD plant Trinity Ltd for the engineering (EPCM) of a slaughterhouse anaerobic digester in the United Kingdom.   The new plant is set to digest 36.000 tonnes of by-products to produce 4.3 million Nm3 of useful biomethane yearly, that will be injected into the National Gas Grid.   Primco,…

YSN (Ukraine), Update 7

Construction of the Hydrolyse Reactor is almost finished thanks to UTC. The final key equipment and spare parts are transported last month to Ukraine. The documentation and logistics where managed by AWS BV.

DBG Bioenergy

DBG Bioenergy is developing a biogas projects in The Netherlands. They contracted Adverio BV for the engineering. We have completed the concept engineering phase for the first project in 30 working days.   The amount of sludge processed is approximately 270.000 ton per year. The goal of the digestion installation is to produce 4.500 Nm3/hr…